Tornado Rebuild in Joplin with Extreme Makeover – The Nguyen Family - Ply Gem

Tornado Rebuild in Joplin with Extreme Makeover – The Nguyen Family


Thang Nguyen was a member of the Vietnamese Air Force and battled together, alongside U.S. soldiers, during the Vietnam War. Afterwards, he and his family came to the United States in search of the American Dream. Thang worked for more than three decades at General Mills in Joplin and was starting to consider and plan for retirement before the tornado changed everything.

The night of the storm, Thang convinced his wife to save the dinner she had already prepared and go out to eat in order to satisfy his craving for seafood – a decision that likely saved their lives.  While the storm missed the restaurant, it completely destroyed their home.

The Nguyens practice Feng Shui, so an uncomplicated home was a perfect fit with the family’s character. Their appreciation for earth tones and preference for a simplistic approach to living made “The Craftsman” an ideal choice for their new home. The family had been receiving help from a local church, which provided an apartment for them to live in. However, with the lease expiring in December, they were concerned about where they would live next.

Welcome home, Nguyen family. We hope you will enjoy great peace as you settle in.