The 4 S's of Windows and Doors - Ply Gem

The 4 S’s of Windows and Doors

When choosing replacement windows or doors there are four things you want to keep in mind. We call these the “4 S’s of Windows and Doors”.

Window and Door Style

The style of your replacement window or door should compliment the style of your home. For instance, putting a colonial style door on an ultramodern home might make for an awkward entry appearance.

Snow Patio Door

In addition the style determines how that window or door operates. Do you prefer a window that slides up and down, like a double hung window? Or maybe a window that cranks open, like a casement window, is better suited for you. No matter your preference there is a window style that will suit your needs.

Scale of Your Windows and Doors

Ply Gem Windows and Doors

When you think about the scale of a window or door you take into consideration the size and architectural style of your home.

Window and Door Sizes

Cedar Discovery Red

The size of the window or door works in much the same way. You want to make sure the size of your window or door fits your home.

Window Shape

Finally, let’s talk about the shape of your windows or doors. The shape can add phenomenal curb appeal.


Have you considered a geometric window? Or a window with a rounded top? There are so many shapes to choose from, you are sure to find one that will fit your personal design style.