Hurricane Safety: Tips for Staying Safe - Ply Gem

Hurricane Safety: Tips for Staying Safe

It’s essential to ensure you and your family are prepared for a hurricane and that you discuss the importance of having a set plan for emergency situations. How you will contact one another? Travel to a safe location? What do you do in unexpected situations? Check out these tips to preparing your family for inclement weather.

  1. Confirm all of your family members have contact cards.

With severe winds and rain, the power could go out which can limit accessibility and use of technology. Create and keep contact cards with important information and family phone numbers in wallets, purses and bags.

  1. Create a plan for family communication.

In emergency situations, communication is key. Create a communication plan by visiting FEMA’s website. Don’t forget to share with your kids and other family members.

  1. Opt-in to receive weather alerts.

Ensure you and your family are up-to-date with the latest weather alerts by choosing to receive notifications via email, phone calls or text messaging.

  1. Identify an emergency contact.

During an emergency, it’s important that your family is all aware of an emergency contact. Once decided, share that person’s number and other information with your family.

  1. Have an emergency kit on hand.

When a hurricane takes place, you can usually expect power outages and other surrounding damages. Be prepared by creating an emergency kit that includes items like first aid supplies, a battery-operated radio and flashlights.

  1. Stock up.

Before a hurricane hits, remember to prepare with the necessities. For example, make sure your gas tank is full and you have enough water and ice to last you for a few days.

For more information on creating a hurricane plan, visit FEMA’s website here.

The Storm’s Over. What To Do Next?

Here are eight post-hurricane tips from the American Red Cross.

  • For the local news for the latest weather updates, tune in to NOAA Weather Radio.
  • Take pictures of any damage, both of the building and its contents, for insurance purposes.
  • Contact your insurance company if your home’s exterior or interior is damaged from the hurricane.
  • Keep away from loose or dangling power lines and report them immediately to the power company.
  • Keep out of any building that has water in or around it.
  • Avoid drinking or preparing food with tap water until you are sure it’s not contaminated.
  • As you rebuild, strengthen your existing garage doors to improve the wind resistance, particularly double-wide garage doors.
  • If you do not have impact-rated windows, protect your windows with permanent storm shutters.

If you do not have impact-rated windows, protect your windows with permanent storm shutters.