Tiny Living: From Sheds to Studios - Ply Gem

Tiny Living: From Sheds to Studios

Tiny spaces are making a big impact across this country.

The idea of tiny living, however, is no new concept. Henry David Thoreau, who wrote the classic essay “Walden,” lived and worked out of a 10’ x 15’ cottage.

We used to pop up 10′ x 12′ sheds in our backyards to store our lawn mowers. Now homeowners are getting smarter and realizing that 150 square feet could be used more effectively than stacking bags of soil.

Take a look in your backyard and ponder this. What if you could have an additional space out there? A separate place from your home? What would it be? How would this space serve you and your family best?

Let’s take a look at how and why you should embrace tiny living and turn your shed into a studio.

1eWork-Life Balance

More and more people are working from home. Perhaps you are self-employed or working on a side project to supplement your household income.

According to Small Business Trends, almost 70 percent of all businesses are started at home and more than half of entrepreneurs continue to operate their business out of their home long after they’re up and running.

At some point, home-based businesses outgrow the space, and personal areas can be compromised. For mental health and productivity the need to physically separate life and work space becomes apparent.

Can you imagine work within just a few walking steps of a commute? Flexibility for time with the family, lunches at home, and time to let the dog out? A working studio just outside the home could be just the key to a healthier lifestyle.

Financially, separating your work space honors a clear dividing line for energy costs, tax purposes, and overhead. For entrepreneurs that are not ready to commit to a lease or own commercial property, the home office studio is a no-brainer. Tiny living could be the answer to help you save on overhead, so you can put more investment capital into your business.

Hobby Space

Guys: How many of you dream of a man cave?

Ladies: What is it called now? A “mom cave”?

“He” Cave.

“She” Cave.

We all need a space to just be.

No matter how old we get we all need a space to create.

I’ll toss out a few hobby space ideas to get your wheels turning. Picture a studio in your backyard for any of the following:

Sports Room:

Watch the game with your buddies, with no rules! Well…

Craft Room:

Arts, crafts, scrap booking, party planning… this could be the ultimate place for the family to be creative together.

Yoga Studio or Gym:

Why pay monthly fees for the gym you never drive to when it can be in your own backyard? Enough said.

The Arts:

Chances are your family is full of budding artists! Music, photography, painting, sculpting, wood working, writing… There are so many ways to be creative. I say we are never too old to dream and everyone needs a space to do so. We were all born to make things. Now just give yourself the space to do so.

Whatever your ‘shed to studio’ becomes, I say DREAM big for this tiny space. Repurposing your shed might just open the door to new adventures in life.

TinyHouse 222

Tiny Living Allows You Supplemental Income

Sites like AirBNB and VRBO have given homeowners and travelers a whole new way to experience life, at home and away.

Socioeconomic trends are pulling the population back to the city. Property taxes closer to the city center are obviously more difficult to afford. So many homeowners are being pushed toward the outskirts, where they do not truly enjoy the city they live in as much. In some of the most popular cities across the country, average home prices are pushing the $1 million mark. How can people afford to live in the city?

Here’s an idea.

Turn your shed into a studio and rent it out on that lovely site called AirBNB.

What once stored your lawnmower could be the greatest weapon to combat personal debt or supplement your mortgage payment or property taxes.

Shed This.

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not suggesting you add square footage to your property just to add.

Hear me correctly.

Tiny living is about improving your quality of life. Getting out from under debt. Finding freedom in your work. Creating community. Defining space to be creative. Securing freedom for a better at home life.

A tiny studio might just make a mighty impact on your life.

So, I say it’s time to start dreaming in your own backyard!